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Lizard People: Comedy and Conspiracy Theories

Jun 26, 2020

Isn't it weird how Star Wars bad guys have become so popular? How little kids dress up as Nazi allegories for Halloween? Well if you're like our funny and thoughtful guest Dahlya Glick, you think there's something more nefarious going on than just smart toy merchandising. See, some people suspect that what Disney is...

Jun 19, 2020

What do NASA, the UN, holograms, the Antichrist, alien invasions, the Rapture, and a loopy French Canadian have in common? They're all part of one of the most delightfully bonkers conspiracy theories ever made. This week we're talking about Project Blue Beam with the delightful and unbelievably funny Betsy Sodaro! And...

Jun 3, 2020

People have called conspiracy theorists crazy for thinking that sinister forces within the American government would flout the laws of the land and use violence to put down a democratic movement for change. Well, uh, sorry guys. This week has been real emotional for a lot of people, and it didn't seem like the right...