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Lizard People: Comedy and Conspiracy Theories

Oct 26, 2019

Hold on to your cryptids because this episode is an absolute roller coaster ride! Mike and Bryce came by the Lizard Lair to discuss the fascinating theory that the film Back To The Future is jam-packed full of clues that predicted 9/11. Did Zemeckis do it on purpose? Was Crispin Glover in on the conspiracy? IS...

Oct 25, 2019

What if we told you that the federal government has a database with your face, address, identifying information, and fingerprints. Would you be like 'meh'? Or would you be like 'yikes'? Our guest this week is Tamra Brown and she's definitely in the 'yikes' camp. She's here to educate us about the RealID program, a...

Oct 11, 2019

Yee haw little doggies, we're keeping Austin weird this episode with a conspiracy theory that ties together the Illuminati, the Bohemian Grove, the great state of Texas, and a bunch of high-altitude ritual murder. Our guest this week is the wildly funny Ever Mainard, and boy did we have a BIG giggle recording this....

Oct 4, 2019

All over the world, the name 'Disney' means warmth and light and cuteness. Families save all year to visit Disney theme parks and eat 8 dollar churros while screaming at each other. But some people say there's a dark underbelly to Disney. That the company has a history of choosing profits over people. People like......