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Lizard People: Comedy and Conspiracy Theories

Feb 28, 2020

The Rock! The Fortress! Titanic Island! Alcatraz has a spooky mystique all its own, and for many years it had a reputation for being an inescapable prison. But then some guys escaped. Or did they?!? Anthropologist Micah Light stopped by the Lizard Lair to school us all in the real story behind the famous 1962 Escape...

Feb 21, 2020

Do you like FRUIT? What about VEGETABLES? And how about FOOD IN GENERAL? Well if you're a fan of any of those things you probably owe them all to bees. The humble honeybee is the source of most of our pollinated food, but over the past few decades the dang things have been disappearing! Our guests Lindsey Gentile and...

Feb 14, 2020

It's Chinatown, Jake. Well actually it's just the greater LA area and it's not Jake it's writer Jonathan Harris. BUT the basic premise is the same - a group of powerful people decided that they wanted to take over a public commodity for their own greedy purposes, leaving the city high and dry and stuck in...

Feb 7, 2020

There are many contenders for fifth Beatle. But there's another Loveable Lad from Liverpool, a shadowy figure whose contributions to the band are unclear. But who is this mysterious German? And could he be behind the Beatles' greatest hits? And what's the deal with 'googoogajoob' like what the eff is that about,...